News & Events
ASI participe au sommet de l'AIAC pour présenter ses solutions aérospatiales à l'industrie. ASI is at AIAC Summit to demonstrate its aerospace solutions to the industry.
ASI devient membre du CRIAQ - ASI becomes a member of CRIAQ (Consortium de recherche et d'innovation en aérospatiale au Québec)
ASI delivers 2 mobile spectrum monitoring sites to Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (SIT) in Guatemala. ASI livre 2 sites de contrôle du spectre mobile à la Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (SIT) au Guatemala.
April-12-11 RF Monitoring and Direction Finding System Demo Aerosystems International is organizing a demo for an RF monitoring and direction finding system at the end of April. Contact us if you are interested. Back
ASI added a new Bombardier approved VIP inspector to its team.
ASI delivers 3 fixed and 1 mobile spectrum monitoring sites to the Utilities Regulation & Competition Authority (UCRA) in the Bahamas.
ASI added portable ground power units and aircraft tugs to its product line.
A Caribbean Client upgraded its Spectrum Explorer System to add PCSA (Personal Communications System Analyzer) capability.
ASI signed an exclusive distributor agreement with Poynting Antennas for Canada
ISOC was used by Industry Canada during the Vancouver Olympics in February 2010 to ensure the safety and security of the RF environment and of the athletes present at the games
Aerosystems won a contract to install/commission a fixed/transportable DF and monitoring network as well as upgrading the existing mobile unit using the state of the art Spectrum Explorer system for one of its Caribbean clients.